KISAH PERANTAU DI TANAH YANG ASING   Pada suatu malam Sang Hyang bersabda, “Pergilah ke Timur, ke tanah yang Kujanjikan keluarlah dari kota ayahmu pergilah dari kota kakek moyangmu seperti halnya Isyana boyongan begitulah kamu akan mengenang moyangmu yang di Medang.”   Aku mengiya dalam kedalaman sembah-Hyang, sembari mengenang para leluhur, bapak dan eyang. Leluhurku adalah Sang Tiyang Mardika yang dengan kebebasannya menganggit sastra Jawa . Sementara eyang adalah pasukan Slamet Riyadi, ibunya Tumenggung, ayahnya Lurah! Bapak sendiri adalah pegawai negeri, guru sekolah menengah di utara Jawa Tengah.   Di sinilah aku sekarang, di tanah Wangsa Rajasa Tidak pernah aku sangka, tidak pernah aku minta Apa yang Kaumaui, Dhuh Gusti Pangeran mami ?! Apa yang Kaukehendaki kulakukan di tanah ini?   Belum genap semua terjawab, empat kali bumi kelilingi matahari! Pun baru purna enam purnama, saat aku tetirah di timur Singhasari, oh, aku

What Is Money?

What Is Money?

I take a walk around the town. Here is so crowded. Voice is everywhere and pollutes the atmosphere. There is no silent place even though in my room. There is always traffic jam. Seems that everyone gets out to the down town to celebrate New Year eve. What the hell is this? Everyone is running after the money.

Money is just the way to buy the needs, but when money becomes the aim of itself, everything is unreason! How can people here think about humanity? They even cannot think but about money, how to get and possess it as much as they can! This is the place where people waste the life. Their life is meaningless but gaining money. This is not the place to make love; this is the place to make money.

I remember when I was a teenager, I asked a silly question to my economy teacher, “Why does man create money?” I thought that when there is no money, life must be easier. My teacher answered that money is the tool to exchange. While Marx had ever said that money alienates human. Now I realize that money serves human’s greed, not only need. Is it so? Or, is it human that serves money by greed?

That is metaphysic question I asked. The truth is, without money, I can’t eat, I can’t drink, even in some kind of situation I can’t breathe. What makes human differ from animal? Human’s got money! Do you think so? Do you think that money makes people be a human? Not at all.
Money is important since it’s been the system we may live within. Nowadays this system is advanced, for example you may see e-banking, credit card, etc. But, this system is only for our body and soul. Is it also for our spirit? We see many priests ask some money for redemption, merit, and the pleasure of heaven. It is bull shit, Cuk!!! I guarantee that they have say nonsense. Redemption and heaven have nothing to do with money. (And, I myself don’t believe with merit.)

Here I give you another paradox of life: without money you can’t live cultured and civilized since it’s been the system, but to do live you need no money indeed. Just enjoy the day.

Batavia, July 29th 2011
Padmo Adi
