AWAL DARI KISAH YANG LAIN Desain cover oleh Daniela Triani   Kata Pengantar Kisah-kisah Problematika Gender yang Manga-esque   Buku ini adalah ruang-waktu yang kami ciptakan supaya teman-teman mahasiswa Sastra Jepang, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Brawijaya, yang terlibat di dalamnya memiliki kesempatan untuk berkarya mengartikulasikan pengalaman dan pemahaman mereka akan gender dan problematika yang ada tentang gender tersebut. Tentu teori-teori gender itu mereka dapatkan di dalam kelas. Dalam kesempatan ini, diharapkan para mahasiswa mampu mem- break down dan mengartikulasikan teori tersebut melalui sebuah kisah (fiksi) yang lebih dekat dengan mereka. Tentu saja pembahasan mengenai gender ini selalu menarik dan selalu terbuka akan berbagai macam kemungkinan. Kisah tentang gender yang dihadirkan oleh teman-teman mahasiswa Sastra Jepang ini sungguh menarik; ada kisah yang menelusuri problematika gender itu di ranah yang paling privat—ketika seseorang mempertanyakan identitas gende




by Yohanes Padmo Adi Nugroho

I was writing about virtual-reality game, when the COVID-19 Pandemic spread to the whole world. My country, Indonesia, was so confident that we will not and will never be contract this disease. There were even jokes among ministers that Indonesian is too strong for SARS-CoV-2 to infect, or that the virus cannot enter Indonesian area because the permission is difficult. It was February 2020. But, then, in the early of March the government announced that there were two Indonesian citizens being COVID19 positive. From that day, we are slowly swallowed in panic. Not long after, the first two Indonesian COVID-19 patients are announced to public, the case is rapidly increasing. The epicenter of Indonesian COVID-19 Pandemic outbreak is Jakarta and the area nearby (Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi), but because people are still able to mobile and travel, the cases are now everywhere. Then, on Wednesday, 11 March 2020, the 50th COVID-19 patient died in Dr. Moewardi Hospital, Surakarta, Central Java. [...]

Read more on:

Singh, R.P. and Alka Singh., 2022, LITERATURE AND CULTURE: SENSE AND SCENES FROM PANDEMIC, Jaipur India: Yking Books, pg. 27-42

First Published : 2022

ISBN : 978-93-92240-21-8

© Editors

Published by

Yking Books

H.O.: 18, Jain Bhawan, Opp. N.B.C., Shanti Nagar, Jaipur - 302006


  1. Reading chapter #3, brought me back to the covid-19 pandemic era. The nuance, the ambience, and the sound of the silence ... Since i know Padmo Adi, the author, the chapter enriches my vault of memories of the pandemic--of course by his perspectives--through the lenses of his concern to new media and it's derivatitives, game and it's psychoanalytic view (mostly Lacanian), and cultural studies as lived experience.

    However, I am glad to say that Padmo's (and other authors') point and views in this book will be one of the recorded collective memory of the pandemic. A work that helps us to know ourselves better than before.

    And I am waiting for your next writings ... :-)

    1. Thank you, Mas Noel. I think I will write the left behind traces of our bitter experiences during 2 years pandemic. Maybe not in scientific way, but more in literature and/or art.


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