AWAL DARI KISAH YANG LAIN Desain cover oleh Daniela Triani   Kata Pengantar Kisah-kisah Problematika Gender yang Manga-esque   Buku ini adalah ruang-waktu yang kami ciptakan supaya teman-teman mahasiswa Sastra Jepang, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Brawijaya, yang terlibat di dalamnya memiliki kesempatan untuk berkarya mengartikulasikan pengalaman dan pemahaman mereka akan gender dan problematika yang ada tentang gender tersebut. Tentu teori-teori gender itu mereka dapatkan di dalam kelas. Dalam kesempatan ini, diharapkan para mahasiswa mampu mem- break down dan mengartikulasikan teori tersebut melalui sebuah kisah (fiksi) yang lebih dekat dengan mereka. Tentu saja pembahasan mengenai gender ini selalu menarik dan selalu terbuka akan berbagai macam kemungkinan. Kisah tentang gender yang dihadirkan oleh teman-teman mahasiswa Sastra Jepang ini sungguh menarik; ada kisah yang menelusuri problematika gender itu di ranah yang paling privat—ketika seseorang mempertanyakan identitas gende

Sex and Sexuality

Sex and Sexuality

Everybody is sexual. Humanity is sexual. Everybody manifests themselves sexually as man or as woman. How one gets dress, how one has hair cut, how one shows the style, how one talks, how one walks, how one lives the life are the part of their sexuality. Whether one is adult or not depends on how mature their sexuality is. We have to understand that sexuality is not just about sex. Sex is just a part of sexuality.

Nevertheless, how one does sex is a manifestation of their sexuality indeed. Whether they’re celibate or not, whether they’re straight or not, and so on. Everybody is sexual, but not everyone does sex. There are people who don’t do sex because they are celibate or they have promised not to do, or even they can’t do for their incapability. And most people do it. Some don’t do sex for celibate or promise/vow in order to get closer to God and other creation. Some do sex faithfully with their only partner also in order to get closer to God and each other. Human do or don’t do sex in order to get to know him/herself better. Now we see three essential things in sexuality (sex included): God (religious), the only partner/the other (social), and the self (existential).

Sex is sacred because it can bring you closer to God. It is sacred because it can bring you closer to your only partner too. It is sacred because it can also bring you closer to the self, to get to know you yourself better. It is one of many ways to love. Without love, sex is nothing but wasting the time. Sex is the way to show how much you love your partner. It is about opening yourself, giving yourself, and accepting your only partner. You share each other your whole mind, feeling, body, and heart, you share your whole being each other to please one another, to make happy one another.

Batavia, July 30th 2011
Padmo Adi
